Hi, I'm Henry Crichton, owner of Software For Cars.
Although OBD (On Board Diagnostics)
scan tool systems are relatively new,
I have been working in the field of
automotive diagnostics all of my professional life (I started working on
cars since when I was around 12 years old). I was 16 when I bought my '56
Chevy and I've been working
on it, creating a classic showpiece ever since.
I've been working on the internet for the last 6 years, and I find it to
be a great way to stay in touch with my colleagues and keep pace with
the rapid developments in the automotive field, particularly when it
comes to OBD diagnostics.
After High School, I completed a 4 year apprenticeship at the B.C. Institute of Technology in automobile repair. I then went on to work for
Carter Honda in Vancouver for 14 years, eventually establishing my own mechanical repair service. I have continued upgrading my knowledge and
certification throughout the years (see Certification page) and I still attend monthly seminars in order to
keep my knowledge current, particularly in the area of OBD diagnostics.
In 1993, I placed 3rd in western Canada in the Honda Technicians contest. Now that I am
45, I
can honestly say that I have repaired thousands of vehicles in my lifetime.
The advent of OBD diagnostics systems presented new challenges for
automotive technicians and it is an area of expertise I have cultivated
since its inception.
I am committed to maintaining my diagnostic skills at the highest
possible level and providing a top notch troubleshooting service to the
public, utilizing the latest OBD 1 and OBD 2 scan tool technology available, such as the
software scan tool pictured here. I have been using scan tool
technology since it first appeared and I am pleased to be able to offer
our new, affordable software scan tools to the general public.